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Twisted X Invites Partners to Join Love of the Land Initiative


Twisted X is inviting inviting its retailers and partners to celebrate Earth Day during the week of April 18 by participating in the brand’s nationwide Earth Month Cleanup event called “Love of the Land.” The initiative is a natural extension of the Decatur, TX-based footwear brand’s focus on sustainability. Retailers, influencers, athletes, philanthropic, corporate, and licensing partners as well as community members are invited to participate in the event on Friday, April 22, 2022.

Those interested in participating can sign up via the brand’s website here. Twisted X will provide all the supplies necessary, and ship a cleanup kit by mail. The kit will include eco trash bags, gloves, a gift certificate to raffle at your event, and limited edition Twisted X cap for all participants.

This year’s initiative builds off of last year Earth Day, when Twisted X had clean ups at its offices in Decatur as well as with a handful of influencers around the country. After last year’s event was a hit, the brand decided to extend this effort out this year, to retailers and partners by inviting them to participate in a nationwide Earth Month Cleanup.

The campaign is named “Love of the Land” in part because of the brand’s heritage in the western industry and how its customers live their lives on, tending to, and living off of the land. According to Tricia Mahoney, chief marketing officer at Twisted X, “It also speaks to our other audiences as well, because when you take care of the earth in any capacity, you are ‘loving the land.’ Quite literally, our customers were green before green was cool.”