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Industry Vet Matt Powell Starts Own Firm


Sporting goods and retail industry consultant Matt Powell, who has been serving as a senior industry advisor at The NPD Group, is launching his own consulting and advisory service firm focused on merchandising, marketing and retail called Spurwink River

In announcing the move, Powell stated that he wants “to help the industry with strategy, concept and execution.” He also will advise the stock market on topics in retail and serve on company boards.

After a retail career that spanned more than two decades at a former U.S. department store and three U.S. sporting goods shops, Powell has been a sporting goods industry analyst for more than 14 years. Powell had been with The NPD Group since 2014. (The NPD Group, which was founded in 1966, was acquired by private equity firm Hellman & Friedman in Oct. 2021, with senior management retaining a minority stake.)

Matt Powell can be reached at