What a difference a year makes.
It was about this time last year when we decided to launch runstyle magazine focused, without distractions, on the brick-and-mortar run specialty channel and the brands that support them, as well as product design influences and innovation, and of course, shop talk. Our editors continue to engage with retailers and brands on what keeps the run specialty channel, special. Our exclusive consumer surveys focus on runners and what they look for when they enter your store.
So, for this issue, we focused our stories on the newbie runner and how to best encourage them to visit your store and engage in the sport of running. What we found out in our coverage is that it all starts with a connection. “At the end of the day, we are all human and crave human connection and if we can build trust and relationship, that will lead to great customer experiences,” commented Jennifer Brummitt, CEO Gazelle Sports.
June Angus, CEO of Amphipod also makes a great point, “specialty shops provide an invaluable space for all runners locally for great guidance.” While this comment was about bringing in new runners into your store, it speaks volumes on what the run specialty channel represents and the opportunities that are out there for the taking. “Nothing beats face-to-face experiences and connections.” comments Jeremy Nelson, CEO Roll Recovery. And that includes conferences, in my opinion. (See Run For All page 30).
To those ends, Brummitt’s comment made me think back to Formula4 Media’s connection to the formation of the Running Industry Association (formerly known as the Independent Running Retailers Association) eighteen years ago. A group of run specialty retailers who at that time came together with a powerful idea: we need to keep run specialty, special. Talk about newbies creating a retail association from the ground up. Like all the independent business owners (and the runners they serve) the passion and desire was there. It was exciting for me to personally be a part of that discussion and to understand the sense of community, the complexity, the challenges, and the opportunities that the brick-and-mortar run specialty retailers faced then, and continue to face now. It all started with a connection in a meeting room in Las Vegas.
Looking at the RIA today, I applaud what the RIA has accomplished. The RIA Summit, National Running Safety Month, Product Data Collaborative, Jobs Board and a host of member benefits, just to name a few. Their goal, “to drive the industry forward through the power of community” continues to resonate. The RIA Summit brings together the run specialty channel and that all important human connection, with group runs and social events. It’s our pleasure to partner with and to feature the official 2024 RIA Summit Guide - St. Louis. (See page 54).
In our design and material innovation feature, we highlight what’s new and what recreational runners are looking for in their running apparel. A thirty-year-old female recreational runner put it this way, “When fabrics used in garments feel good, it helps me run better. And it’s hugely motivating to get out the door when I like my running outfit too.” See On The Move, page 24.
In our Winter issue of runstyle earlier this year, our consumer survey asked what female runners want in their running footwear, apparel and gear. For this issue, we focused on males. So, what exactly do men want in their running footwear, apparel and gear? Turn to page 48 to find out.