Article Tag:

Supply Chain

A Values-Driven Vision

Having endured delays and disruption constantly over the past two years, ranging from rising material costs to slowdowns in production along with a roster of other issues, textile businesses are increasingly looking to gain control of their supply chains.

Strategic Suppliers

As a result of obstacles faced in 2020, highlighted by the pandemic, brands are now looking to invest more deeply in a smaller number of suppliers, but at the same time asking these partners to bring more to the table. This emerging trend is evident in the recent State of Fashion Report 2021 that...

Stopping the Flow

Tons of plastic end up in the sea every year and hundreds of thousands of pieces of plastic waste now float in every area of the oceans. Coastal regions are major contributors to this problem; According to recent statistics, 80 percent of ocean plastics originate from these locales.

Demand for On-Demand

Execs participating in virtual trade show discussions last month outlined new and emerging methods of manufacturing that are re-inventing the textile supply chain from seed to shelf. Across the board leaders agreed that sophisticated digitalization and a streamlined approach to...

A Modern Make

Concerned about the impact of fast fashion’s carbon footprint and spectacular levels of textile and apparel waste, today’s forward-thinking manufacturers are elevating the age-old concept of custom-make by investing in high-tech platforms built for efficiency, low minimums and transparency.